So, I decided to take a gander of the pictures that were taken of the annual company outing from last week. As I perused them, I came across the most horrific, dreadful, disgusting! I couldn't believe how big I let myself get! It literally brought me to tears. I was so upset. I literally hit rock bottom today. In a way, I am happy I saw the pictures, (and I'll post them here tomorrow). It really brought me to my senses. I am so glad to have some very supportive friends at work that I cried to, (Thanks Missie, Tammie and Cindy).
So, I decided to create this blog to track my progress. I am going to take before pictures, as well as measurements. I'll be sharing my frustrating, triumps, downfalls, etc here. Food is my comfort. I eat when I'm bored, stressed, happy, sad, mad, lonely. I turn to food for every emotion and it scares the hell out of me with the realization of, what am I going to turn to now?
A lot of it is mental and I need to re-program my thoughts to more positive ones.
I plan to start exercising, eating better, etc and I'll try to share my days, well...daily! I am going to start walking on my lunch breaks tomorrow! I am actually excited!
Crimson Lily Blog
14 years ago
I am here for you 100%. If you can do it, then so can I. And you can cry to me anytime :)