Sunday, September 13, 2009

The World is full of cakes and pies, so when you get tempted, don't act surprised!

Well, here I am! Still on the path to eating better.

Boy, is it hard. Have I said that already? I am feeling very discouraged right now, however, there is a part of me thinking, "Why do I let food control my life? I don't let anything else control my life. I am a strong, intelligent and independant woman." Would it be easier to have a nicotine, drug or alcohol addiction? I wouldn't addition is food.

I've been doing alright. I had a friend over today and we made dough boys...sigh. I couldn't help myself, I had to eat a couple. Drizzled...key word here is drizzled, with chocolate and caramel. In the past, it would have bathed in it.

I find it easier to be on track while I'm at work or when Logan is home. Everyone at work is so supportive and always asking how I'm doing and I really appreciate that.

I still need to do my measurements. I've been on this new eating adventure for about a month now and I feel better. I have improved my breakfast options drastically, as well as lunch and dinner. When Logan is home, I really stay on track so that he sees that I'm eating better and I think he has noticed. He questioned my there were so many vegatables in the 'fridge a couple of weeks ago!

I sometimes wonder if I'm destined to be fat? It's bad enough I'm so damn tall, but to be fat on top of that. People usually do a double take. I can't do anything about my height...I can do something about my weight...and I am trying.

Thanks for reading and keep coming back!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm here...

Just haven't blogged for a week! I'll write more over the weekend...stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Struggle is putting it lightly....
I turn to food when I am stressed. I have been very stressed at work over the past couple of weeks and I just want to grab a cupcake, cookies...anything at this point. Yeah, I know...go for a walk instead. That is not even comprehendable to me. How do you compare a nice, delicious cupcake to a walk!?
For the most part, I've done well. I've had my moments of weakness, I won't lie. I've had a cookie here and there. I haven't touched donuts, which is a first for me. I was at a baby shower last Friday and I had some was so fricking good! I don't think I'll ever loose the taste for that stuff!
Everyone at work has been so supportive. I've been eating Raisin Bran for breakfast this week, last week was Egg Beaters and sausage. Last week I ate salads for lunch, this week I'm winging it. Had yogurt for lunch today and then some Wheat Thins.
When does this get easier? How pathetic to have something like food control every aspect of my life. I can take over's just so hard.
A friend at work left a book on my desk today...Skinny Bitch. I'll start reading that tonight. Thanks Tammie! I need all the inspiration I can get at this point.
I'm just glad I'm not alone in my struggle. At work, we compare our struggles with each other and offer support. I just wish they were home with me at night and on the weekends!
I'm having an off day today...just really tired and annoyed that I let work control my emotions today. I didn't grab any junk...yet anyway. I don't have any at home to eat and it's driving me nuts right now, that's a good thing though because I do not have the self-control tonight if I did have junk here.
So it goes...